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Nourishment for Breast/Chest Health

*Thursdays, from December 7-28 (4 weeks)

  • From 7:30pm-8:45pm 

*Please note that the final class will be 2 hours in length, from 7:30-9:30pm

* Exchange: $145 / $120  $110

  • If finances are a barrier, please reach out to Marisa

Many of us offer nourishment to our loved ones, the earth, our communities, and our creative projects. We often forget to nurture ourselves– and when we do, our chest/breasts are last on the list. Most post-colonization massage and therapeutic techniques skip the breasts/chest. It’s common to only touch this space within sexual or medical environments. Let’s redirect some of our nourishing energy back to ourselves, and cultivate space for our own healing. Breasts/chests for people of all genders have the potential to feed another human being– there is incredible potential in tuning into that nourishment and using it for our own care.

The health and well being of the breast/chest tissue is interwoven with the health of our entire body. By caring for our chest/breast tissue, we open a myriad of opportunities of greater well-being to ourselves– both physically and emotionally.

This series might be for you if you experience …  

  • Pain in your breasts/chest during menstruation

  • Trouble accepting the size or shape of your breasts/chest

  • Hesitancy or fear around touching your chest/breasts for your own pleasure and nourishment

It’s time to connect with your Breast and Chest in a new way. You can expect many benefits from this practice, including…

  • Bringing well-being into your lymph system, your heart and circulatory system, your lungs and breath.  

  • Space to release grief and loss held in the center of the heart.

  • Space to connect to your inner guide and listen to their healing wisdom.

Through this series, we’ll reclaim healing practices that were appropriated or invisibilized by dominant culture. We’ll imagine and begin to build a relationship with our breasts/chest based on love and care. We’ll tap into the wisdom they hold, and the wisdom that’s been passed down through generations. 

The Series Breakdown:

Week 1: Basics of Anatomy and Breast/Chest Care 

Week 2: Specifics Care for Conditions including Cancer, Top Surgery, and any Breast/Chest Surgery

Week 3: Short Daily Practice + Rituals, Creating Your Personalized Care Program

Week 4: Long Form Full Practice

You’ll be guided through a whole range of therapeutic and varied touch, meditations, and care practices. We will reflect on our relationship to our chest/breast tissue, and the care they have received. 

This class is open to anyone who would like to create a healthier relationship with their breast/chest. All genders are welcome. While we will talk about sensuality and sexuality related to our chest/breasts, this class is not intended to be a sexual massage for yourself or someone else. People with top surgeries and mastectomy are welcome.  The class will address scar tissue care.  

You may join the series live, or practice via the recordings sent out after class. Only Marisa will be recorded.

[ Join Nourishment for Breast/Chest Health ]

*Event photo captures the work of Susan Wortman. See more of her work here.

November 28

Breathwork for Sexual Empowerment: Body/Nature, Auto and Ecosexuality

December 16

Cuddle Party